SARMEDA Website Developer

Number guessing game

To develop is to add all kinds of interactive things on the web. So we have selected a random number between 1 and 500 to see if you can guess it in 10 turns or fewer. So please see how it works. We'll tell you if your guess was too high or too low to assist in the experience. Enjoy!


It is driven by that inner feeling to be the best you can be for yourself in the field you feel most comfortable in. The desire to thrive in what you love and aspire to be, and then doing the best you can to reach your goal, by being the best you can be in the field you grow in.


What is it all about? A Web Developer is responsible for programming code that tells websites how to operate. So, this is what it's all about, the development of a website that will interest not only you as a developer, but mostly your customers, to make them feel worthy of being a part of the World Wide Web, to let their customers experience their services in the comfort of their own homes.


This is what makes it all worth the while. The desire to succeed. To succeed not only for yourself but for those around you who feel the need to succeed with you and who want to share in your desire to succeed. So if you have the desire to succeed, then let me know and we will walk the path together.

Missing my special times with my two boys